Yes, I know most of our blogging revolves around food but what else are we going to focus on if not food? It's not like we can go catch a show or go to a sporting event. So, we are left with one of man's basic needs-food. Fortunately we're good at eating so we've got that part covered. Mrs. Nancy found this place by passing it as she was accompanying her daughter for a hospital visit. It's sort of like an American fast food diner, but not exactly. Of course the menu is in Russian/Ukranian and the staff do not speak english. What to do? Simple, we call Marina (one of our facilitators) and explain what we're looking for and then she translates it to the waitress. Not very fast, but effective. The girls get some pork shiskabobs and the boys get a chicken breast, with FRIES! Not American french fries but close enough. Overall, the whole meal was good and the decor was kind of cool. The entire inside is laid out like a train, including the booths. One of the booths pictured above had a screen in it that had a landscape whizzing by. It was really cool. Except when the train "sped up". It went so fast, it made you feel dizzy. After we were finished, our waitress told our facilitator that we could take a picture inside the special train car, which we did. It was nice to eat something a little different and actually walk to the place rather than drive. And for the girls the beer was cold (you see a pattern with these two?), but for the boys we got a special treat. (see above picture on the right) BTW-Boy picture update tomorrow! It will be a good one, I promise :o)