You wanted pictures of him, you got them! We had court today and Robin Renee & James Robert Webb became the proud parents; and Logan James became the brother of Zachary Robert Webb! As of today, the courts have awarded us the parental rights of the little boy. We still have some paperwork stuff to tie up before we can leave the country, etc, but hopefully there won't be any major issues with it. Robin is presently traveling with Serge to Berdyansk to get his new birth certificate. (We need that to secure his passport, which is the next step on our little journey) Hoping everything goes well so we can get home next week.

These first 2 pictures are of Zach's first meeting with us. He had an infection in his mouth, that's the reason for the redness around his lips. (he was on antibiotics-poor little fella) His first encounter with us was not a happy one for him. His entire world was the small little room he slept, ate and played in. And his only human contact was with the ladies who worked at the orphanage. So when he first saw us, he was a little curious but when left alone for our first visit, which was only 20 minutes, he was not thrilled, thus the tears.

These next two photos are of day 2. We actually got to meet with him alone for several hours. Again, he was curious but not comfortable as evidenced by his forced smile and more tears. Warming up to us will take a little bit of time.


After several more days of visiting, Zach really took to us. He came to look forward to our visits and became really comfortable with all of us. His whole demeanor changed and he was all smiles all the time. Outside of being fussy around snack time, we didn't hear or see him cry at all. At first, he sat in mom's lap most of the time (she was the safe one for him to go to), after several days he felt comfortable getting up, playing with Logan, walking around, and even playing with dad (don't think he had much male contact before we came into his life). Zach has been a delight. He has adapted well in many areas. One big one is when it comes to eating. Most orphanage children have issues with worrying about their food and if someone will take it, thus they usually are very protective of their food. They over eat, they put a death-grip on the food they are given, etc. All of this initially happened with Zach, but after several days he quickly trusted us and reversed most of those habits. It was good to see. We cannot wait to get him home and on our schedule so we can put him on a healthier eating program and also get him in normal clothes.